RMN of Thursday 13 June 2024

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 13 June from 10am to 12am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program :

  • New project MotConf
    Can Oluk (Laboratoire de systèmes perceptifs, Paris & EPFL, Lausanne), Martin Szinte (INT), Guillaume Masson (INT), Pascal Mamassian (Laboratoire de systèmes perceptifs, Paris)
    “Confidence in Global Motion Direction Discrimination” Download the pdf (12 Mo)
  • Project’s results PREDYS
    Elisa Gavard
    , Valérie Chanoine, Franziska Geringswald, Jean-Luc Anton, Eddy Cavalli & Johannes C. Ziegler (CRPN) .
    “Semantic and syntactic predictions in reading aloud and visuo-motor statistical learning: an fMRI study in dyslexic students” Download the pdf (10 Mo)