RMN of Thursday 12 December 2024

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 12 December from 10:00 to 12:00 in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program includes two exceptional guest lectures:

  • 9:30: Welcome coffee
  • Jean-Rémi King (CNRS, Meta): “AI and Neuroscience: in search of the laws of intelligence”. Slides available here
    Abstract: In just a few years, AI has transitioned from a specialized field into a transformative force for industries and society. Beyond this technical progress, the development of AI provides a new paradigm to understand the intricate workings of the human brain. To illustrate this, we will delve into a series of experiments that systematically compare deep learning algorithms with the human brain in response to images, sounds, and texts. These comparisons consistently show a partial convergence between the representations learned by AI algorithms and those effectively instantiated in our cortex. These results — largely unexpected by both the AI and Neuroscience communities — together provide an operational foundation for uncovering the general principles that govern the acquisition, structuring, and manipulation of knowledge in biological and artificial neural networks..
  • Jean-Baptiste Poline (McGill University): “The new neuroinformatic ecosystems for replication, generalizability, and meta analyses of neuroimaging studies”. Download the pdf (12 Mo)