Author: Jean-Luc

The next Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting will take place on Thursday 6 March from 10:00 to 12:00 in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program: 9:30: Welcome coffee followed by two seminars: Andrea Paysserand (INT, Marseille): “The ABCD study: Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 6 February from 10:00 to 12:00 in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program: 9:30: Welcome coffee Etienne Thoret (BANCO team, INT, Marseille): “Deciphering the neural bases of soundscapes perception: Read more…

When?: December 13 2024, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PMWhere?: Saint Charles campus, building 9, room Phy51Why?: Jean-Baptiste has been developing biostatistical methods for handling and analysing neuroscience data for nearly 30 years. He is a strong advocate and pioneer in data Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 12 December from 10:00 to 12:00 in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program includes two exceptional guest lectures: 9:30: Welcome coffee Jean-Rémi King (CNRS, Meta): “AI and Neuroscience: in Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 14 November from 10:00 to 11:30, exceptionally in the Henri GASTAUT room (ground floor of the INT) (access map). The program : 9:30: Welcome coffee 10:00: Invited seminar: Alexis Hervais-Adelman (Université de Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 12 September from 10am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program: 9:30: Welcome coffee 10:00: New project: Etienne Thoret (INT): “Unveiling the neural bases of soundscapes perception: a perspective Read more…

15th Scientific Day of the MRI-INT Centre (4 October 2024) Developmental Neuroimaging : from fetal to adolescent stages MRI in human and nonhuman primate Open to all ! Free and mandatory registration : Program : 9h : Welcome 9h15 Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 4 July from 10am, exceptionally in the Charve amphitheatre on the Saint Charles Campus. The program: 10am: New project: Lola Soubeyran, PhD student (INT & AMSE) will present her PhD work and Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 13 June from 10am to 12am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program : New project MotConf Can Oluk (Laboratoire de systèmes perceptifs, Paris & EPFL, Lausanne), Martin Szinte Read more…

A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 16 May from 10am to 11am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program : Invited seminar : Dr Camille Giacometti (Stem Cells and Brain Research Read more…