Annual Meetings

  • Annual scientific Meeting : 4th October 2024

    15th Scientific Day of the MRI-INT Centre (4 October 2024)

    Developmental Neuroimaging : from fetal to adolescent stages
    MRI in human and nonhuman primate

    Open to all !
    Free and mandatory registration :

    Program :

    • 9h : Welcome
    • 9h15 : Presentation of the MRI-INT Center & introduction
    • Morning session : Ontogeny of Non-human Primates (NHP)
      • 9h30 : Keynote : Pier Francesco Ferrari (ISC Marc Jeannerod, Lyon, France) : The Lasting Effects of Early Social Life on Rhesus Monkey Brain Structure and Activity
      • 10h30 : Coffee break & Posters session
      • Projects carried out at the MRI-INT Center
        • 11h : Yannick Becker (Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig) : Primate brain development: The age of communication
        • 11h30 : Olivier Coulon & Guillaume Auzias (Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille) : Fetal brain MRI in humans and baboons to better understand normal and pathological brain maturation
    • 12h : Lunch break & Posters session
    • Afternoon session : Ontogeny of Human Primates

      • 14h : Keynote : Petra Hüppi (Geneva University Neurocenter, Switzerland) : Imaging the developing brain: neuroscience of the preterm infant
      • 15h : Olga Kepinska (University of Vienna, Austria) : Intergenerational transmission of the structure of the auditory cortex and reading skills
      • 15h30 : Florence Bouhali (Centre de Recherche en Psychologie et Neurosciences, Marseille) : Structural constraints and functional plasticity in the developing reading brain
    • 16h : Cocktail



  • Annual scientific Meeting : 20th October 2023

    14th Scientific Day of the MRI-INT Centre (20 October 2023)

    “Neuroimaging beyond the cortex :
    Basal ganglia, cerebellum, spinal cord”

    Open to all !
    Free and mandatory registration :

    Program :

    • 9h : Welcome, presentation of the MRI-INT Center & introduction
    • Spinal cord session
      • 09.15 : Virginie Callot (CRMBM-Aix-Marseille University) : “Ultra-High Field spinal cord MR imaging : opportunities … and challenges !”
      • 10.00 : Nawal Kinany (Geneva university – EPFL) : “Unravelling the functional architecture of the spinal cord using fMRI”
      • 10.30 : Raphaëlle Schlienger (LNC- Aix-Marseille University) : “Mapping human proprioceptive projections of upper limb muscles using spinal cord fMRI”
    • 11.00 : Coffee break & Posters session
    • Cerebellum session

      • 11.30 : Anila D’Mello (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center & University of Texas at Dallas) : “The cerebellum in cognition, development and disorders”
    • 12.15 : Lunch break & Posters session

      • 14.15 : Wietske Van Der Zwaag (Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging) : “High-field & high-resolution imaging of the anatomy and motor function of the cerebellum”
    • Basal ganglia session
      • 15.00 : Sonja Kotz (Basic and Applied NeuroDynamics Laboratory, Maastricht University) : “Measuring uncertainty and expectation in basal ganglia circuits using high-field fMRI”
      • 15.45 : Bénédicte Ballanger (Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon) : “Subcortical dysfunctions in Parkinson’s disease: beyond the basal ganglia and dopamine, the question of the locus coeruleus and noradrenaline”
      • 16.15 : Damiano Terenzi (INT- Aix-Marseille University) : “The influence of the presence of a peer on inhibition control in cocaine dependence and its neurobiological substrate”
    • 16.45 : Cocktail & Posters session




  • Annual scientific Meeting : 14th October 2022

    13th Scientific Day of the MRI-INT Centre (14 October 2022)

    “MRI Neuroimaging of Brain Disorders”

    Open to all !
    Free and mandatory registration :

    Program :

    • 9h : Welcome
    • 9h15 : Introduction of the MRI Centre
    • Morning session: Language & its pathologies
      •  9h30 – 10h30 : Keynote : Kate Watkins (St Anne’s College, Oxford)
        “Neural correlates of developmental disorders of speech and language”
      • 10h30 – 11h : Coffee break & Posters session
      • 11h – 12h : Projects carried out at the MRI Centre
        • Eddy Cavalli : “Compensatory re-organization of the reading network in adult with dyslexia”
        • Lauriane Veron-Delor, Jérémy Danna & Serge Pinto : “Motor network of writing and dysgraphia in Parkinson’s disease”
    • 12h – 14h : Lunch break & Posters session
    • Afternoon session: Sensory-motor & its pathologies
      • 14h – 15h : Keynote : Tamar Makin (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge)
        “Brain plasticity for alternative hand control : From phantoms to extra robotic fingers”
      • 15h – 16h30 : Projects carried out at the MRI Centre
        • Raphaëlle Schlienger & Anne Kavounoudias : “Perception of the body & deafferentation : spinal cord and brain MRI approaches”
        • Manon Chateau & Jozina De Graaf : “Sensory-motor loop underlying phantom hand movements in transhumeral amputees”
        • Thomas Brochier : “Argon neuroprotection in a non-human primate model of transient cerebral ischemia”
    • 16h30 : Cocktail & Posters session
  • Annual Meeting: 21st November 2019

    12th annual of centre IRM-INT meeting (21st November 2019)

    “Multivariate analyses of cerebral sensory representations”

    Informations :

    Program :