Monthly Neuroimaging Meetings (Réunion Mensuelle de NeuroImagerie, aka RMN) are held one Thursday morning per month.
Since 1998, these convivial meetings have been a place for exchange and allow for the presentation and discussion of research projects in Neuroimaging, results obtained, or reference articles in the field, as well as for raising methodological questions. All interested researchers, clinicians, technicians and students are welcome to attend and participate in these meetings and can contact us for more information or to propose a presentation.
The RMNs are back in “real” mode in the CERIMED amphitheatre.
You can book the dates of the next RMNs (Thursday mornings from 10am to 12pm) : 6/02/2025, 6/03/2025, 3/04/2025, 15/05/2025, 12/06/2025, 3/07/2025
- RMN of Thursday 6 February 2025
The next Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting will take place on Thursday 6 February from 10:00 to 12:00 in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program:
- 9:30: Welcome coffee
- Etienne Thoret (BANCO team, INT, Marseille): “Deciphering the neural bases of soundscapes perception: preliminary results”
- Julien Sein & Jean-Luc Anton (Centre IRM-INT@CERIMED, Marseille): “NMR spectroscopy: a methodology for assessing the concentration of cerebral metabolites. Implementation at the Centre IRM-INT: acquisitions, analyses and some applications”
- RMN of Thursday 12 December 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 12 December from 10:00 to 12:00 in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program includes two exceptional guest lectures:
- 9:30: Welcome coffee
- Jean-Rémi King (CNRS, Meta): “AI and Neuroscience: in search of the laws of intelligence”. Slides available here
Abstract: In just a few years, AI has transitioned from a specialized field into a transformative force for industries and society. Beyond this technical progress, the development of AI provides a new paradigm to understand the intricate workings of the human brain. To illustrate this, we will delve into a series of experiments that systematically compare deep learning algorithms with the human brain in response to images, sounds, and texts. These comparisons consistently show a partial convergence between the representations learned by AI algorithms and those effectively instantiated in our cortex. These results — largely unexpected by both the AI and Neuroscience communities — together provide an operational foundation for uncovering the general principles that govern the acquisition, structuring, and manipulation of knowledge in biological and artificial neural networks.. - Jean-Baptiste Poline (McGill University): “The new neuroinformatic ecosystems for replication, generalizability, and meta analyses of neuroimaging studies”. Download the pdf (12 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 14 November 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 14 November from 10:00 to 11:30, exceptionally in the Henri GASTAUT room (ground floor of the INT) (access map). The program :
- 9:30: Welcome coffee
- 10:00: Invited seminar: Alexis Hervais-Adelman (Université de Genève)
“A view from the womb – investigating the prenatal cerebral language network using in utero MRI”
- RMN of Thursday 12 September 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 12 September from 10am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map).
The program:
- 9:30: Welcome coffee
- 10:00: New project: Etienne Thoret (INT): “Unveiling the neural bases of soundscapes perception: a perspective from sensory ecology”
- RMN of Thursday 4 July 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 4 July from 10am, exceptionally in the Charve amphitheatre on the Saint Charles Campus.
The program:
- 10am: New project:
Lola Soubeyran, PhD student (INT & AMSE) will present her PhD work and her functional MRI project:
“Translational approach of decision making under conditions of rare and extreme events”
Lola Soubeyran, Christelle Baunez (INT), Patrick Pintus (AMSE) , Thierry Chaminade (INT) - 11am: CRPN laboratory seminar:
Christophe Pallier (Cognitive Neuroimaging Lab, Neurospin :
“Exploring language in the brain using Large Language Models”
Do representations proposed in linguistic theories, such as constituent trees, correspond to actual data structures constructed in real-time in the brain during language comprehension? And if so, what are the brain regions involved? This question was investigated in a series of functional magnetic resonance studies using various experimental paradigms, including repetition priming, syntactic complexity manipulation, and NLP models trained on limited corpora. I will argue that while many questions remain unanswered, progress has been made. For example, the results suggest that full syntactic parsing of sentences may not happen automatically, but that local syntactic operations (merge) do. The use of deep learning models to locate syntactic and semantic information in the brain will also be discussed.
- 10am: New project:
- RMN of Thursday 13 June 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 13 June from 10am to 12am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The program :
- New project MotConf
Can Oluk (Laboratoire de systèmes perceptifs, Paris & EPFL, Lausanne), Martin Szinte (INT), Guillaume Masson (INT), Pascal Mamassian (Laboratoire de systèmes perceptifs, Paris)
“Confidence in Global Motion Direction Discrimination” Download the pdf (12 Mo)
- Project’s results PREDYS
Elisa Gavard, Valérie Chanoine, Franziska Geringswald, Jean-Luc Anton, Eddy Cavalli & Johannes C. Ziegler (CRPN) .
“Semantic and syntactic predictions in reading aloud and visuo-motor statistical learning: an fMRI study in dyslexic students” Download the pdf (10 Mo)
- New project MotConf
- RMN of Thursday 16 May 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 16 May from 10am to 11am in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program :
- Invited seminar : Dr Camille Giacometti (Stem Cells and Brain Research Institute : SBRI, Lyon) (remotely on Zoom)
“Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex anatomo-functional dialogue supporting behavioral adaptation in primates” Download the pdf (11 Mo)
- Invited seminar : Dr Camille Giacometti (Stem Cells and Brain Research Institute : SBRI, Lyon) (remotely on Zoom)
- RMN of Thursday 18 April 2024
The next Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 18 April from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). Program :
- New project : Sina Kling, Uriel Lascombes, Matthias Nau, Guillaume Masson & Martin Szinte (INT)
“DeepMReyeClosed – decoding gaze position in the dark” Download the pdf (33 Mo) - Seminar : Uriel Lascombes, Sina Kling, Guillaume Masson, Martin Szinte (INT)
“Distinct human frontal eye fields unraveled by visual field and oculomotor mapping tasks” Download the pdf (20 Mo)
Abstract : Research on non-human primates has provided valuable insights into the role of the frontal eye fields (FEF) in the processing and generation of saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements. While the FEF in primates is well-understood, our knowledge of its human homologue remains limited. Previous human studies have primarily focused on localizing the FEF, identifying a large cluster at the intersection of the precentral and superior frontal sulcus. In this study, we employed a comprehensive approach, combining visual field and oculomotor mapping tasks, to unravel the putative homologues of FEF in humans. Using high-field functional MRI during an oculomotor task, we first localized cortical frontal regions involved in generating saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements in a cohort of 20 participants. Subsequently, we explored the visuospatial characteristics of these regions through population receptive field mapping. Surprisingly, our findings revealed that the previously identified large cluster is, in fact, composed of well-defined visual areas. This challenges the conventional understanding observed in primates, as the human FEF appears to be composed of several distinct visuomotor areas. These results prompt further investigation into the specific functions and characteristics of these individual visuomotor areas within the human FEF. Future studies should aim to unravel their putative functions and determine their specificity, advancing our understanding of the intricate neural mechanisms underlying eye movements in humans.
- New project : Sina Kling, Uriel Lascombes, Matthias Nau, Guillaume Masson & Martin Szinte (INT)
- RMN of Thursday 14 March 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 14 March from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map). The programme includes the presentation of two new projects :
- Jacques Pesnot, Benjamin Morillon (INS, Marseille). “In-context rule generalization in transformers and humans”
- Raphael Py, Marie Montant, Marie-Hélène Grosbras (CRPN, Marseille), Claudio Brozzoli (CRNL, Lyon). “A domain-general syntax serving motricity and language : a neuroimaging study in 9 and 11 years old children“
- RMN of Thursday 15 February 2024
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 15 February from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). Program :
- Invited speaker : Marie Chancel (Université Grenoble-Alpes) : “An example of model-based fMRI for self-body perception : Causal inference of body ownership in the posterior parietal cortex”
- New project : Emma Rodero (Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona), Thierry Chaminade, Camilla Di Pasquasio, Pascal Belin (INT, Marseille) : “Artificial voices in robots: An fMRI study to analyze the effectiveness of different voices “
- RMN of Thursday 14 December 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 14 December from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program included two guest seminars :
- Olga Kepinska (University of Vienna) “Linguistic Diversity and Multilingual Language Acquisition. Insights from Structural Brain Imaging“. Download the pdf (18 Mo)
- Olivier David (Institut des Neurosciences des Systèmes, Marseille) “Functional Brain Tractography using direct cortical stimulation“. Download the pdf (20 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 23 November 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 23 November from 10am to 12 noon, exceptionally in the Henri GASTAUT room (ground floor of the INT) (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program :
- Florence Bouhali (LPC) : “Reading acquisition and neuro-anatomical constraints”
- Julien Sein & Jean-Luc Anton (Centre IRM-INT@CERIMED): “Quality control and analysis of diffusion MRI (DWI) data: examples of high-performance, standardised tools (QSIprep, dmriprep-Viewer and pyAFQ)”. Download the pdf (7 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 14 September 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 14 September from 10am to 12 noon, exceptionally in the Henri GASTAUT room (ground floor of the INT) (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program includes two guest seminars :
- Wafaa Zaaraoui (CRMBM-CEMEREM) : “Imaging metabolic and structural vulnerability in brain diseases : Beyond proton MRI”. Download the pdf (18 Mo).
- Mathieu Lesourd (Univ Franche Comté) : “The neural bases of action semantics system : new insights from fMRI and neuropsychological data”. Download the pdf (3 Mo). Download the video recording (warning : 60 Mo, starts at 2’50).
- RMN of Thursday 6 July 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 6 July from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program :
- Invited speaker : Jérôme Prado (Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon, CRNL) “How do we learn that 2 + 3 = 5 ? Behavioral and neural evidence for procedural automatization of arithmetic during development” (See abstract). Download the pdf (6 Mo)
- Projects : Thierry Chaminade (INT) “Neurophysiology of Natural Conversation : Previous Results and Future Work”. Download the pdf (11 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 8 June 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 8 June from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program :
- Bruno Giordano (INT) “Intermediate acoustic-to-semantic representations link behavioral and neural responses to natural sounds” ( Download the pdf (6 Mo)
- Marie-Hélène Grosbras (LNC) “Critical review : Functional connectivity profiles established from task-based or resting-state fMRI paradigms”. Download the pdf (17 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 11 May 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 11 May from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program :
- Pascal Belin (INT), Etienne Thoret (PRISM & LIS), Régis Trapeau (INT), Jean-Julien Aucouturier (AS2M, Besançon) New project : “Cortical representation of prosodic contour”
- Jean-Luc Anton, Bruno Nazarian & Julien Sein (Centre IRM-INT, Marseille) “News from the MRI Center & some brief thoughts on smoothing and denoising in fMRI”. Download the pdf : News (6 Mo) & Denoising (2 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 6 April 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 6 Avril from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). The program :
- Xenia Dmitrieva, Kristof Strijkers (LPL) « Phonological networks in language production vs. perception »
- Tiphaine Villaume (INT): « From writing a protocol to analyzing human data: how to implement good practices? Focus on MRI research projects » Download the pdf (4 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 9 March 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 9 February from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). Two conferences :
- Mathieu Gilson (INT) : Model-based analysis of whole-brain dynamics from fMRI: Applications to human cognition and neuropathologies. Download the pdf (4 Mo)
- Maxime Dieudonné (INT) : Size independent Sulcal Depth Estimation. Download the pdf (6 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 9 February 2023
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 9 February from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link). Presentations of results of two projects conducted at the MRI Centre :
- Damiano Terenzi, Thierry Chaminade, Christelle Baunez (INT) : “DrugAddict : the influence of the presence of a peer on cocaine addiction and its neural correlates : preliminary results”
- Charly Lamothe, Pascal Belin (INT) : “BrainVoice : Reconstructing voice identity from fMRI of the Temporal Voice Areas”. Download the pdf (11 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 8 December 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 8 December from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link)
- Katherine Bryant (LPL) : seminar “Insights into Brain Evolution Using Comparative Diffusion Tractography”
- Pascal Belin, Margharita Giamundo, Marie-Hélène Grosbras, Manon Obliger, Lisa Raoul et Luc Renaud : Findings gleaned from the Society for Neuroscience meeting
- RMN of Thursday 10 November 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 10 November from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link)
- 10:00-10:45 : Invited seminar : Rémi Gau (Louvain, Belgique) : Présentation of the toolbox «Bids stats model». Download the pdf (1 Mo)
- 10:45-11:15 : David Meunier (INT, Marseille) : BrainHack presentation (review of the OHBM BrainHack in June and presentation of the next BrainHack in Marseille from 28 to 30 November). Download the pdf (9 Mo)
- 11:15-12:00 : New project : Shuai Wang et Chotiga Pattamadilok (LPL, Aix) : “Word Learning”
- RMN of Thursday 15 September 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 15 September from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link)
Program :
- Shuai Wang & Chotiga Pattamadilok (LPL) : Feedback from the project : “Written and spoken word processing in the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex: Do different analysis approaches tell different stories ?”
- Katherine Bryant, Adrien Meguerditchian (LPC) : New project : “Sign language, gestures and brain lateralization”
- RMN of Thursday 16 June 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 16 June from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link)
- Antoine Lefrere & Raoul Belzeaux (INT) : New project : “NEMO (NEurodéveloppement-Morphométrie-Bipolaire) : Analyse des sillons corticaux par IRM morphométrique : développement de biomarqueurs neurodéveloppementaux des troubles bipolaires”
- Martin Szinte (INT) : Seminar : “Decoding the reference frame of spatial vision by means of 7T fMRI population receptive field mapping“
- RMN of Thursday 19 May 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 19 May from 10am to 12 noon in the conference room of CERIMED (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link)
- Claudio Brozzoli (Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre). Talk : “Language as a tool : shared syntactic processes for linguistic and motor domains through common neural patterns in the Basal Ganglia”. Download the video recording (warning : 90 Mo)
- Marie-Hélène Grosbras (LNC), Mathieu Lesourd (U Franche Comté), Franziska Geringswald (ILCB). Project’s results : “Action Observation Network activity related to object-directed and socially-directed actions in Adolescents” : updated results and plan for extended analyses
- Claudio Brozzoli (Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre). Séminaire : “Language as a tool : shared syntactic processes for linguistic and motor domains through common neural patterns in the Basal Ganglia”. Download the video recording (warning : 60 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 28 April 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting took place on Thursday 28 April from 10am to 12pm at Saint Charles, in room Phy51 (under the Charve amphitheatre) (access map) and via visio-conference (zoom link).
Paul Lalande (INS), Benjamin Morillon (INS), Etienne Thoret (PRISM), Pascal Belin (INT). “Distinct sensitivity to spectrotemporal modulation and brain asymmetry for environmental sounds”
Lisa Raoul (LNC) , Marie-Hélène Grosbras, Bruno Nazarian, Jean-Luc Anton. Project : “Self- and others’ body perception in adolescence”
- RMN of Thursday 24 March 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting (RMN) took place on Thursday 24 March from 10am to 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED. and via visio-conference (zoom link).
- Angeline Mihailov (Cognition and Brain Dynamics group, Neurospin, Saclay) “Applying Multidimensional Approaches to Disentangle Autism Spectrum Disorder Heterogeneity”
- Manon Obliger, Julien Sein, David Meunier, Régis Trapeau et Pascal Belin (INT, Marseille) “Preliminary data on structural and functional MRI of the marmoset’s brain“
- RMN of Thursday 24 February 2022
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting (RMN) took place on Thursday 24 February from 10am to 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED. and via visio-conference (zoom link).
- Guillaume Auzias (INT) : “The basics of mesh processing in neuroimaging, Successive steps in a classical pipeline”. Download the pdf (8 Mo) and/or the video recording (warning : 70 Mo)
- Marieke Longcamp (LNC) : “Functional brain correlates of writing acquisition in middle childhood“ (projet ECRITAPP, final results). Download the pdf (21 Mo) et/ou the video recording (warning : 72 Mo)
- RMN of Thursday 20 January 2022
The next Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting (MNR) took place on Thursday 20 January from 10am to 12pm via visio-conference (zoom link).
- Inga Korolczuk, Boris Burle, Franck Vidal, Jenny Coull (LNC) : “The functional interaction between timing and action control“
- Daniela Pinzon Corredor & Anne Kavounoudias (LNC) : “Structural brain changes related to proprioceptive impairment due to age : a diffusion-weighted imaging analysis”
- RMN of Thursday 16 December 2021
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting (NMR) took place on Thursday 16 December from 10am to 12pm via visio-conference.
- Raphaëlle Schlienger & Anne Kavounoudias (LNC) : New project : Structural and functional changes in the sensorimotor networks in unilateral amputees with phantom pain before and after muscle proprioceptive treatment : a spinal cord and brain MRI study
- Bruno Nazarian (Centre IRM-INT) : Recording Electromyography during MRI : Download the PDF Slideshow
- RMN of Thursday 18 November 2021
A Monthly Neuroimaging Meeting (NMR) took place on Thursday 18 November from 10am to 12pm in the Henri Gastaut room (ground floor of the INT). Two new projects will be presented :
- Lydia Dorokhova & Elin Runnqvist (LPL) : Self-monitoring of Language In Production. A global neuro-cognitive approach (projet SLIP version 2)
- Elisa Gavard, YuFei Tan & Johannes Ziegler (LPC), Elise Lefèvre & Eddy Cavalli (EMC, Lyon), Valérie Chanoine (ILCB), Jean-Luc Anton (Centre IRM-INT) : Compensatory and predictive brain network in adult with dyslexia (PREDYS)
- Lydia Dorokhova & Elin Runnqvist (LPL) : Self-monitoring of Language In Production. A global neuro-cognitive approach (projet SLIP version 2)
- RMN of Thursday 21 October 2021
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the centre IRM-INT took place on Thursday 21 October 2021 10h-12h in the conference room of CERIMED.
- Jérémy Danna (LNC), Lauriane Veron-Delor (LNC), Serge Pinto (LPL) : “Functional contributions of the motor network in the handwriting brain” (project EcritPark) (download the pdf (1,9 Mo))
- Jean-Luc Anton & Julien Sein (Centre IRM-INT) : “BOLD in the white matter ? A review of the literature” (download the pdf (7,5 Mo))
- RMN of Thursday 27 May 2021
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the centre IRM-INT took place on Thursday 27 May 2021 10h-12h, via videoconference
- Nicole Malfait (INT) presented the new projet “Adaptation to a visuomotor delay in a moving target interception task”
- RMN of Thursday 11 March 2021
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the centre IRM-INT took place on Thursday 11 March 2021 10h-12h, via videoconference, with feedback from two projects :
- Jeanne Caron et Anne Kavounoudias (LNC) : “Project Visuotact: results from multivariate analyses”
- Guillaume Auzias et Alexandre Pron (INT) : “Fetal MRI from Marseilles : data aggregation and image processing”
- RMN of Thursday 11 February 2021
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the centre IRM-INT took place on Thursday 11 February 2021 10h-12h, via videoconference
- Rochelle Ackerley (LNC) presented the results of the project : “Cortical responses to single unit intraneural microstimulation at 7T and comparison with skin vibrotactile stimulation”
- Paul Lalande Robert & Etienne Thoret (PRISM), Pascal Belin (INT), Benjamin Morillon (INS) presented the new project : “Neural mechanisms supporting hemispheric asymmetry during auditory perception”
- RMN of Thursday 14 January 2021
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the IRM-INT center took place on Thursday 14 January 2021 via videoconference
- Xenia Dmitrieva et Kristof Strijkers (LPL) : new project “Phonological networks in language production vs. perception”
- RMN of Thursday 10 December 2020
The upcoming Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the IRM-INT center will take place on Thursday 10 December 2020, via videoconference
- Michele Allegra & Andrea Brovelli (INT) : Results of the project: “Stroke-related alterations in inter-areal communication revealed via Granger causality analysis (download the pdf (2 Mo))
- Guillaume Auzias and Sylvain Takerkart (INT) : informal report on the BrainHack Marseille which took place from 2 to 4 December (download the pdf (4 Mo))
- RMN of Thursday 12 November 2020
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the IRM-INT center took place on Thursday 12 November 2020 at 10am by videoconference :
- Sarah Palmis & Marieke Longcamp (LNC) : Results of the project “Neural basis of handwriting in middle-childhood”
- Pascal Belin, Clémentine Bodin & Régis Trapeau (INT) : Results of the project “Homologous representational geometry for vocalizations in the auditory cortex of humans and macaques revealed by comparative fMRI”
- RMN of Thursday 8 October 2020
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the IRM-INT center took place on Thursday 8 October 2020 from 10am to 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED.
- Jean-Luc Anton, Bruno Nazarian, Julien Sein (Centre IRM-INT) : Nouvelles fraiches du centre IRM (reprise des activités, moyens technologiques & méthodologiques, site web) & échanges-discussions autour des projets/envies/besoins de notre communauté.
- Rogier Mars (via Zoom) University of Oxford and Radboud University Nijmegen : Evolution of the temporal lobe in primate.The temporal lobe is a unique specialization of primates, related to the visual and social life style of many of the animals in this order. As such, it can be seen in the most primitive primate brains. However, in the human brain the temporal lobe is involved in some of the most advanced behaviors, including “theory of mind” social information processing and language-related semantic processes. The question that we try to address here is whether this is due to a fundamental reorganization of the human temporal lobe compared that of the last common ancestor with other primates, or whether the same principles of temporal lobe organization apply across all primates. Our strategy is to acquire whole-brain anatomical data from a range of primates using neuroimaging and compare temporal lobe organization using a variety of new tools that we have developed in our lab.
- RMN of Thursday 10 September 2020
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the IRM-INT center took place on Thursday 10 September 2020 from 10am to 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED.
- Morgane Chassignolle (LNC) will present the results of the project “Investigation of the central brain network involved in temporal order processing”.
- David Meunier, KepKee Loh and Bastien Cagna (INT) will present two new resources for MRI research on the non-human primate (NHP): Macapype ( and Prime-RE (, with relevant information also for human primate research, especially concerning collaborative tools. (Download the pdf (4 Mo) )
- RMN of Thursday 12 March
A Monthly Meeting of Neuroimaging (RMN) of the IRM-INT center took place on Thursday 12 March 2020 from 10am to 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED.
- Analysis tools :
- Guillaume Auzias, David Meunier & Sylvain Takerkart (INT) : back on the Hackathon
- Martin Szinte (INT): fMRIprep: a robust preprocessing pipeline for fMRI data
- Jean-Luc Anton, Bruno Nazarian & Julien Sein (Centre IRM-INT): news from the MRI centre (stimulation, MRI sequences, website, clinical research, scientific day)
- Analysis tools :
- RMN of Thursday 13 February 2020
A Monthly NeuroImaging Meeting (RMN) of centre IRM-INT took place on Thursday 13 February 2020 from 10am to 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED.
- Charly Lamothe & Pascal Belin (INT, Marseille) : New project : “Characterization of the vocal brain and brain-based voice reconstruction using deep learning.”
- Presentation of public databases :
- Sylvain Takerkart (INT): “Walking through the jungle towards open fMRI data” (Presentation here)
- Thomas Brochier (INT) : Centre IRM & PNH (Download the pdf (2 Mo) )
- Julien Sein (INT) : Prime DE (Download the pdf (16 Mo) )
- RMN of Thursday 16 January
The Monthly NeuroImaging Meeting (RMN) of the center IRM-INT took place on Thursday 16 January 2020 from 10am à 12pm in the conference room of CERIMED.
- Chotiga Pattamadilok & Shuai Wang (LPL, Aix) Nouveau projet : “Organisation fonctionnelle de la Visual Word Form Area”
- Felipe Pegado (LPC, Marseille) Presentation of preliminary data & brainstorming for a new fMRI study: “Tracking changes in the multisensory representations of the reading network”
last modification :